Better Skin – How to Get Better Skin and Keep it

It’s only taken me about 40 years to figure out the secret to getting better looking skin. From breakouts, to minor acne, to eczema to dry skin and dark spots, my skin has not been easy. But I have learned a lot, and hopefully my hindsight can be your foresight so you can benefit now, and not have to cake on the makeup or feel self conscious like I did for years wondering how others had such beautiful skin. So here are my tips on how to get better skin fast!
Top 4 ways to get better skin fast
1. Stop washing it so often! I know when I heard of this a few years back I rolled my eyes, but bear with me a moment. Unless you’re sweating or getting pretty dirty overnight, you really don’t need to wash your face every morning. Let those natural oils stay on your face from overnight into the following day. If you have breakouts, just apply a thin layer of the product of your choice before applying sunblock, foundation, etc. As you’ll see in number two, I swear by Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream.
2. Find your breakout solution and stick to it. I’m a big fan of benzoyl peroxide. The Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Vanishing Acne Treatment Cream goes on clear and really works wonders. If my skin is even starting to appear like it’s going to start giving me trouble, I apply it under makeup and/or before bed as needed. It doesn’t dry my skin out as other products (especially if you follow the washing advice in #1 above), and really does work fast.
3. Find a great exfoliation tool. I mean one of those that says only to use it up to 3 times a week max. You can use one of the weaker ones as your daily face wash, but I’m talking about a good strong one to renew your skin. I recently found Rodan & Fields’ Micro-Dermabrasion Paste and I’m obsessed with it. My skin has never looked better and I’m psyched! I use it every three days or so in the morning after showering and before drying my face (my skin can be sensitive so I use a limited amount and gently rub it into my skin while it’s still wet). If you’re not up for trying this one, a lot of people swear by Paulas Choice Skin Perfecting Exfoliant.
4. Use a good sunblock or light foundation with sunblock. I like a light foundation or tinted moisturizer. My current favorite for better skin is Smashbox BB or the CC as it has dark spot correcting added right in, as well as sunblock. If you’re not sure on your coloring, stop by an Ulta or Sephora if you have one nearby and the people there will help you pick. I use the color fair and love it. It includes an spf, which is great for everyday use. I use it all through the winter – don’t forget the sun is out then too, even when there’s snow on the ground! Then in the summer stock up on other sunblock to make sure you’re protected all over (review of best aerosol sunblocks). If you’re a sun worshipper (I am myself), or even if you’re not, don’t forget to moisturize!
Now that your face is fabulous, did you read about the best dry shampoo on the market?